Access to Tecovirimat has been centrally coordinated by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG). A small stock of Tecovirimat is held at the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG). The Army Pharmacy supplies Tecovirimat under a “no label use” condition. The Army has also requested that the colleagues from HUG provide them with data each time Tecovirimat is used in Switzerland. You will find attached:
1. SOP: the detailed procedure on how to ask tecovirimat. A same day distribution is possible on week-days (from pharmacy to pharmacy)
2. RCP – validation committee: reminder of the criteria for access, some detail regarding the patient, and the validation signature by either Jan Fehr, Matthias Cavassini, Olivier Segeral or Alexandra Calmy.
3. Informed consent forms in German, Italian, French and English.
A collection of teaching materials on AIDS : Bernard Hirschel, former chief of HIV/AIDS in Geneva, has put his collection on AIDS to be use for education, teaching and self-evaluation.
Antrag für Credits / Demande de crédits
[D] Richtlinien für die formelle Unterstützung von Fortbildungen durch die SGInf
[D] Checkliste betreffend Vergabe von Credits an Fortbildungsverantstaltungen
[F] Directives pour le soutien des sessions de formation continue en infectiologie par la SSI
[F] Checklist concernant l'attribution de crédits pour des Sessions de formation continue