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07.04.2025 - 09.04.2025

Emerging Viruses and New Vaccines – from Research to Public Health

Joint Symposium  from the Geneva Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases and the Centre FOR Vaccinology


More information here

Geneva Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases

12.04.2025 - 15.04.2025


Linked Event

Vienna, Austria

08.05.2025 - 09.05.2025

ATCIP 2025

Antimicrobial Therapy in Immunocompromised and Critically Ill Patients: Management and Perspectives

Register now



21.05.2025 - 23.05.2025

9. SGAIM Frühjahrskongress

Das Motto der kommenden Ausgabe lautet «Outside the box». Die Medizin befindet sich im stetigen Umbruch. Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt, technologische Neuerungen, ökonomischer Druck, überbordende Administration, gesellschaftliche Veränderungen und die Fragilität unseres an seine Grenzen gelangenden Ökosystems fordern uns heraus, verlangen nach Anpassungen und neuen Lösungen. Um diese Herausforderungen meistern zu können, werden wir neue Wege begehen müssen. «Think outside the box»! Unter diesem Motto möchten wir speziell auch neuen und unkonventionellen Lösungsansätzen eine Plattform geben – sei es auf medizinisch-wissenschaftlicher, auf organisatorischer, auf politischer oder auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene.



Congress Center Basel

16.09. - 19.09.2025

8th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC)

We are thrilled to invite you to the 8th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC), taking place in the beautiful city of Geneva, Switzerland, from 16-19 September 2025.


This year, our conference will delve into an array of crucial topics, including hand hygiene, artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning, antibiotic stewardship, surgical site infection prevention, new techniques and approaches in environmental hygiene, environmental responsibility and eco-friendly solutions in IPC, as well as diagnostic and clinical microbiology challenges for IPC.


More information can be found on our website.

Geneva, Switzerland

24.09.2025 - 26.09.2025

Joint Annual Meeting SSI / SSHH / SSTTM

On behalf of the Scientific Committee, we cordially invite you to this year's Joint Annual Meeting of SSI, SSHH (with fibs | SIPI) and SSTTM.

The 3-day Joint Meeting will be organized from Wednesday, September 24 - Friday, September 26, 2025 at the Congress Kursaal Interlaken.



Congress Kursaal Interlaken



35rd Challenge in Infectious Diseases

The Challenge in Infectious Diseases provide an opportunity to get cutting-edge information on both basic and clinical virology, prevention of viral diseases, new antivirals, and bacterial infections. 

Safe-id events

Engelberg, Kursaal

09.09.2026 - 11.09.2026

Joint Annual Meeting SSI / SSHH

2m2c Montreux